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Ni Moth
Trichoplusia ni (H?bner, 1803)
Noctuidae: Plusiinae
2432 / 73.003
Photo © Debra Saunders,  SY686700

Similar Dorset Species
Silver Y
Autographa gamma
Forewing: 15-17mm
Flight: Recorded all year. Mainly May - October
Foodplant:   Sea Rocket, marigolds, Hawkweed, others
Red List:
GB Status: Immigrant
Verification Grade:  Adult: 3

Davey, P., 2009: A scarce immigrant species, resident in the tropics and sub-tropics and a transitory resident to southern Europe, recorded mainly from southern counties of England and Wales, the polyphagous larva feeding on a wide range of plants. In the sub-tropics it is probably continuously brooded, and immigrants to the Mediterranean region in the spring spawn further broods that increase in size and expand northwards through the year. In Dorset, the moth visits the county irregularly and usually as singletons. Two generations are suggested by the data, with the peak of the second seven times larger, on average than that of the first. In June 1996, the notable influx of immigrant species from north Africa and the western Mediterranean discussed in the account of the Small Mottled Willow2385, produced a handful of Ni moths. A further wave of immigrants occurred during the second week of August, but small numbers were also trapped between late July and early September, regardless of weather type, suggesting a resident status for some in that year. There is a single record of larvae being found in the wild in Dorset, by Mrs N Richardson on rock samphire (Crithmum maritimum) on Portland; adults emerged on 6 and 10 September 1894, respectively. The great winter immigration of 2004 included this species: Cogden Beach, on 13 February 2004 (M Parsons, M Forster), Weymouth, on 12 February 2004 (Dr P Sterling), Portland, three on 11 February 2004, 12 February 2004 (M Cade), Durlston, on 12 February 2004 (S Nash).

Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required.

Recorded in 22 (55%) of 40 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1888.
Last Recorded in 2017.
(Data up to end 2019)

Latest 5 Records (Data up to end 2019)
Date#VC10k Area
05/09/2017+9SY58 - Abbotsbury
26/08/201719SZ07 - Swanage
22/08/201719SY68 - Weymouth / Martinstown
27/12/201519SY49 - Bridport
27/12/201529SY68 - Weymouth / Martinstown
Further info: Trichoplusia ni
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