Verification Grade Criteria

Adult Moths:

1: Generally distinctive and unlikely to be confused with other species. Usually accepted if within documented range and usual occurrence period; otherwise one or more good quality photographs, or possibly a specimen, will be required.

2: Can be confused with other species. Good quality photograph(s) or possibly a specimen may be required if the recorder is not familiar with the species. If records have previously been submitted and accepted, grade 1 criteria will apply.

3: A good quality photograph(s) showing all critical identification features will be required. A voucher specimen may also be required (seek advice before releasing the moth) Worn examples are likely to be unidentifiable unless a specimen is retained for microscopic examination.

4: Dissection required.


A: Record accepted without the need to see the actual leaf or a good photo.

L: Either the leaf or a good photograph required if the recorder is not familiar with the species. If records have previously been submitted and accepted, grade A criteria will apply.

R: Moth will need to be reared and, in some cases, possibly dissected.

Larval cases:

C1: Same as Adult Grade 1.

C2: A good quality photo or specimen of the case and plant/pabulum is required if the recorder is not familiar with the species.

C3: A good quality photo or specimen of the case and plant/pabulum and the bred moth is required.

C4: As in C3 and the moth requires dissection.

These criteria are intended as a guide. More or less evidence may be required depending on the recorder's location and experience. If you think your record is a county first (from looking at the maps and records) then a valid photograph would be essential to show to your County Recorder.

Micro-moth grades based on Butterfly Conservation national guidelines compiled by Dr John Langmaid, Stephen Palmer, Mark Parsons and Dr Mark Young - January 2016.